The surface water drainage strategy was conditionally approved subject to detailed design. Whilst the FRA and strategy were considered acceptable for managing the flood risks, our inspection of the implemented scheme showed that the planning conditions had not been upheld through the construction of the drainage design with regards to the mitigation proposals for the land bund, drainage ditches and pond.
Calm Engineering advised that the issues highlighted within our report be investigated and rectified by the current owners of the land to ensure that the system being handed over to Kingswood Parish Council had been correctly implemented and that it had the capacity to deal with the pluvial design flood flows defined in the FRA.
We were concerned that, prior to any sign over of maintenance and management responsibilities, Kingswood Parish Council should be satisfied that the risk of potential flooding as a result of inadequate implementation of flood mitigation proposals did not become their liability.
Calm Engineering provided expert support to the council in their negotiations with the landover to rectify these issues, in consultation and collaboration with the District Council Drainage Engineer. The Council were then able to adopt these areas following submission of detailed maintenance plans and rectification of implemented works.